
Dr Kia S Law

About Dr Kia S

I am an auricular acupuncturist practising in both the Chinese and European schools of auricular acupuncture. I was trained at the British College of Auricular Acupuncture and further my study with the ear system in GLEM in Lyon, France under the tutorship of Raphael Nogier (son of the founder of auricular therapy, Paul Nogier). Both needle and non needle techniques are being used.  I tend to use non needle techniques as most of my patients prefer this modality. 

The following diagnostic methods are used:

  1. Miridiatech Digital Meridian Imaging (or Screening) - AcuGraph 4
  2. Hara Diagnosis
  3. Gastronemius palpation
  4. Kinesiology -muscle testing

For treatment modalities:

  1. Meridian Balancing
  2. Microcurrent electro-acupuncture
  3. Low Level Laser Therapy
  4. Colour Therapy


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